Thursday 28 March 2013

Egg blowing for painting

Wow! This is something I have always wanted to try but for some reason, never did. Today we decided to give it a whirl!
The boys LOVED this activity!
Steps to blowing an egg for Easter egg painting:
1. Place a band aid on smallest end of egg, push a thumb tack into the shell, the band aid will keep the shell from cracking.
2. Place the band aid on other end of egg, repeat making a hole with thumb tack, once there is a hole push a sharp nail through the hole to make that hole bigger.
3. Straighten a paper clip and stick it into the hole and break the yolk.
4. Now place a bowl under the egg and start blowing!! Blow through the smaller hole in order the force egg out the larger hole.
5. Voila! An empty egg shell for painting!
6. Rinse the shell really well and place in microwave for 20-30 seconds to harden the shell a bit.
7. Shells are ready to paint!
Pure FUN!
Happy Easter!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Invitation to learn Chinese Calligraphy

Exploring China After School

We have always had a strong interest in exploring China, we have explored the Chinese New Year, Chinese Lanterns, Chinese tea ceremonies and traditional foods in the past.
I was inspired by my sister in-law Marie to explore Chinese calligraphy.
I got most of the information from her blog
Thanks Marie!!!

I went out and purchased a few basic supplies, what the Chinese call
The Four Treasures of Study; the brush, ink, ink stone and paper.
I have set out an Invitation for Chinese writing to explore in our classroom.
We will begin will learning the Eight common strokes in Chinese Writing. All of these strokes are found in the Chinese character Yong. (Which means "eternity" "forever")
I will post some pictures as the children practice their Chinese Calligraphy.
I got the above picture and directions from the following website:

Monday 25 March 2013

Earth hour 2013

What did you do for earth hour this year?
Please leave us a note on bulletin board in entrance telling us what your family did this year March 23.
Miss Trish

Sunday 24 March 2013

Activities Galore!!

I was inspired this weekend to set up a fun "buffet" of activities and crafts for the kids. I am really looking forward to watching the kiddies enjoy this new layout.
What's on the buffet "menu"?
Friendship bracelets
Weaving potholders
Plus 4 empty baskets for nature items.

If you have anything you would like to send in such as; toilet paper rolls, bottle caps or any items collected in nature that could be fun for crafting, please send them in!!
Miss Trish

Paper folding & tree planting

Skye & I set up a paper folding center this weekend for after school. We are set with some origami instructions, you tube for paper folding instructions, lots of colored paper and Skye has learned a few new folds to teach everyone!
I emailed the "tree guy", since we are using so much paper with paper airplanes and origami we will be looking into a tree planting project this spring to give back!

Friday 22 March 2013

Preschoolers baking Spicy AppleSauce muffins

Today the preschoolers & I made some yummy muffins! These have been a longtime favourite with all my preschoolers & after schoolers so I thought I should attach and share the recipe with all of you.I always substitute half of the flour with a mixture of ground sprouted flax seed, wheat germ, ground sprouted chia seed or flax seed meal-or a combination of some or all of these. This makes the muffins healthier and allows me to use white flour for the other half keeping the muffins nice & light!
Spicy Applesauce snack muffins

1/2 cup butter
11/2cups sugar
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla
2 cups of flour (or as I suggested above to substitute!)
1tbsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
11/2tsp cinnamon
1tsp allspice
1/2tsp cloves
2cups unsweetened applesauce

In a large bowl, cream together butter,sugar, vanilla, beat in eggs.
Sift together; flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices.
Slowly add creamed mixture to flour mixture, alternating with applesauce,
Mixing well after each addition.
Bake @ 375 for about 20 minutes
Cool & Enjoy!!!

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Random Acts of Kindness #1

Random Acts of Kindness is something the kids after school & I have talked about lots!!! This year we have baked goods to give to elderly neighbors, collected donations need by local homeless teens and of course this past Valentine's Day we participated in a "Love you all" project by holding a food drive for Moncton's Youthquest. The children baked Valentine's cookies and made homemade Valentines for the homeless youth who a part of Youthquest central's programs.
This Spring I would like to participate in a program that has been in action for over a decade called
book crossing.
For over a decade people across the globe have participated in this program from young girls leaving books in community centers to the elderly leaving books behind on buses, in cafes and on park benches. Now I would like us to take part in this action of kindness, Pay it Forward!
So, this Spring, as a group, we will chose a couple books and label them with labels from the Book Crossing website so they can be tracked. We will decide how and where we will leave our books.
I would like to encourage each of you to browse the book crossing website and pick a book that your family could donate to this program. It has been proven that those who experience an act of kindness themselves are more likely to pay it forward.

Earth Hour 2013

                              This picture was taken @ The Museum of Natural History in Halifax

I would like to invite you to participate in Earth Hour 2013 Saturday, March 23rd 8:30-9:30pm!
My family has been participating in this global movement for climate change for the past several years. We look forward to this hour where we turn out all our lights, all computers, tv, all technology is suspended for this hour as we unite as a family and play board games by candlelight and take part of a family game of flashlight hide & seek. 
I hope your family can try to make this a yearly tradition too, maybe this year we can make an effort to do more "Lights out" activities as a family. Please feel free to post your family's ideas for Earth Hour in the comments section of this post.

Welcome to Miss Trish's Community

                              This picture is of a living wall (Devonian Gardens, Calgary)
Whether it is after school, preschool, Kindermusik or a ThinkGreen project, this is where you will find updates, news, workshops and information. Please follow by email so you are sure to get news and interesting tidbits as they are posted. 
Year 2013~ The year to Think Green!!!
Miss Trish