Friday 22 March 2013

Preschoolers baking Spicy AppleSauce muffins

Today the preschoolers & I made some yummy muffins! These have been a longtime favourite with all my preschoolers & after schoolers so I thought I should attach and share the recipe with all of you.I always substitute half of the flour with a mixture of ground sprouted flax seed, wheat germ, ground sprouted chia seed or flax seed meal-or a combination of some or all of these. This makes the muffins healthier and allows me to use white flour for the other half keeping the muffins nice & light!
Spicy Applesauce snack muffins

1/2 cup butter
11/2cups sugar
2 eggs
1tsp vanilla
2 cups of flour (or as I suggested above to substitute!)
1tbsp baking powder
1tsp baking soda
11/2tsp cinnamon
1tsp allspice
1/2tsp cloves
2cups unsweetened applesauce

In a large bowl, cream together butter,sugar, vanilla, beat in eggs.
Sift together; flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices.
Slowly add creamed mixture to flour mixture, alternating with applesauce,
Mixing well after each addition.
Bake @ 375 for about 20 minutes
Cool & Enjoy!!!

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