Wednesday 20 March 2013

Random Acts of Kindness #1

Random Acts of Kindness is something the kids after school & I have talked about lots!!! This year we have baked goods to give to elderly neighbors, collected donations need by local homeless teens and of course this past Valentine's Day we participated in a "Love you all" project by holding a food drive for Moncton's Youthquest. The children baked Valentine's cookies and made homemade Valentines for the homeless youth who a part of Youthquest central's programs.
This Spring I would like to participate in a program that has been in action for over a decade called
book crossing.
For over a decade people across the globe have participated in this program from young girls leaving books in community centers to the elderly leaving books behind on buses, in cafes and on park benches. Now I would like us to take part in this action of kindness, Pay it Forward!
So, this Spring, as a group, we will chose a couple books and label them with labels from the Book Crossing website so they can be tracked. We will decide how and where we will leave our books.
I would like to encourage each of you to browse the book crossing website and pick a book that your family could donate to this program. It has been proven that those who experience an act of kindness themselves are more likely to pay it forward.

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